They hypocrisy of the day is stanky. The same people who tell you to ‘follow the science’ are the ones who post memes saying idiotic things like, ‘he died doing his own science’. So I’ve been curious what they conceive as ‘following the science’ in their mind. Is it blindly following what our governments are telling us is science, or does it actually involve reading anything scientific? Because if it’s not the latter, the ‘follow the science’ mantra should be changed to a ‘follow what your government tells you’ mantra.

Let’s look at some science from our Alberta Healthcare Covid website. Considering how many Albertans are sick with Covid, and how only those at risk are able to get PCR tests, the current numbers are pretty much null and void. The only numbers that can be legit right now are those of current hospitalizations, and those for vaccinations. I will spend this post looking at these two stats, and how they’re manipulated/presented to keep the average ‘follower of science’ from seeing the real picture, and the Nathans and Kathys of the world blindly arguing non arguments to support the manipulation.

Below is a screenshot of the most current hospitalizations. (Please note the second note below the table. Makes it hard to take things very seriously when in fact the table does include those with one dose – maybe they meant 4 doses, but the percentages do equal 100%, so…. maybe they’re combining 3 and 4 doses into the 3 dose row, who knows, but this is what happens when government tries to play science)

To make more sense of this we also need to look at the vaccination numbers so that we can relate them to the hospitalization numbers.

I was going to mention that the number for 2 doses in this is actually less than what it was two days ago, which raises some red flags, but then a table further down shows the real number (which is now higher than two days ago, but once again erodes trust that this is a competent representation of fact)

As I said earlier, this is the data that is presented to Albertans for digestion, but it is presented in such a way that makes the consumer of the data need to do more work. Also look at the number for three doses on the two tables, also different (we are looking at the ALL row on the second table and for the purpose of this exercise, I’ll use the second table as it appears more accurate – as all the numbers are going up, and it also gives us the total population to work from)

Let’s break down the numbers so that they more accurately portray the sub groups of vaccination status. We know that the Alberta population is 4,420,039. We know that 3,588,396 Albertans have had at least one dose of the vaccine. That leaves 831,643 Albertans who are NOT vaccinated. We also know that 74,947 Albertans have had a fourth dose. So based on those knowns, we can do a little grade school math and come up with each group’s numbers.

Actual numbers per vaccination status group

  • Unvaccinated: 831,643
  • 1 Dose: 191,802
  • 2 Dose: 1,750,318
  • 3 Dose: 1,571,329
  • 4 Dose: 74,947

Now we can do some math to show what’s important. Let’s look at current hospitalizations based on these numbers per 100,000 of their own group.

Hospitalization per 100,000 based on vaccine status

  • Unvaccinated: 254/831,643 X 100,000 = 30.54 Albertans per 100K
  • 1 Dose: 41/191,802 X 100,000 = 21.37 Albertans per 100K
  • 2 Doses: 333/1,750,318 X 100,000 = 19.03 Albertans per 100K
  • 3 Doses: 592/1,571,329 X 100,000 = 37.68 Albertans per 100K

I’ve also looked at the death rates and when you look at the death rates of people without any pre-existing conditions, the argument for vaccination with a technology that was previously used only in cases of extreme disease with minimal alternative options, the argument completely disintegrates. Let’s have a look.

In this case they really don’t have the one dose stats, but we can again do the math. The only issue is we don’t get to see the breakout of pre-existing condition vs no condition of the one dose deaths. There were 32 deaths for patients with one dose of the vaccine, but again we can’t break that one down. Let’s do the best we can with what we are given and figure out the per 100K rate of deaths based on vaccination status.
(Side Note:) I am making an inference on the condition vs no condition for the one dose group, based on an average of the difference of the other three groups. That average difference is .06, which brings us to 30 with condition and 2 without.

Deaths per 100,000 based on vaccine status WITH pre-existing condition

  • Unvaccinated: 237/831,643 X 100,000 = 28.50
  • 1 Dose: 30/191,802 X 100,000 = 15.64
  • 2 Doses: 238/1,750,318 X 100,000 = 13.60
  • 3 Doses: 386/1,571,329 X 100,000 = 24.57

Deaths per 100,000 based on vaccine status with NO pre-existing conditions

  • Unvaccinated: 25/831,643 X 100,000 = 3.0
  • 1 Dose: 2/191,802 X100,000 = 1.04
  • 2 Doses: 17/1,750,318 X 100,000 = 0.97
  • 3 Doses: 10/1,571,329 X 100,000 = 0.64

The above numbers are per 100,000 Albertans. Are these numbers really worth the cost of vaccinating every single one of us? Are they worth eliminating chartered freedoms from those who have chosen to forego vaccines, for whatever reason they have (informed consent being a legal and ethical right of every single patient in Canada). I think not.

Last but not least, check out the table of hospitalizations on their website in real living colour. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture of current hospitalizations based on vaccination status. My point isn’t to make anyone feel bad about their choices, just as I wish others wouldn’t do that to me, or worse yet keep my chartered freedoms from me as a punishment for said choices. The point is to promote a more informed populace that questions our government, and doesn’t just digest anything they throw at us as gospel. It isn’t so. Our media, whose job it is to hold government accountable, is failing their duties in an epic way.

Ask questions. Inform yourself. Don’t just blindly follow what you’re told to do because it comes from government. They have their own motives, and based on the above data, it doesn’t have much to do with our health or reality.

One thought on ““Follow the science” ~ but only if it’s presented by a governing entity, and for God’s sake, don’t read any yourself

  1. A thoughtful piece, Marta. Thank you. Anyone who shuts down questions and discussion isn’t promoting science, they’re promoting dogma.
    For the last three weeks in a row in Norway, the injected are showing up in hospitals with Covid as primary cause at higher rates than the non-consenters and uninjected. Of course, as you point out, numbers hardly tell a fraction of the whole story and it’s worth noting that those with 3 injections are often oldest and/or most at risk of illness and make up the large majority of the injected in the following numbers:
    Week 16: new patients registered with C19 as primary case.
    Injected: 3.1/100,000
    Not injected: 1.6/100,000

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