I tried meditating and it worked

So for the first time in my life I think I actually got into the magical world behind the chatter. I tried meditating the other day and man did it pay off in heaps.

The whole plan of how to make the next PJ Day be as big as I imagine it came to me. With it comes greater awareness, greater power to influence research decisions, greater ability to fund-raise and the true possibility of changing things for the better by addressing this big gaping hole known as autoimmune disease. I will need a few divine intervention moments in the early stages, but I have faith. When these plans come to fruition, you will hear about it. People all over will know about autoimmune disease, and will be crawling over each other to create a better event to support the cause.

#weonePJday2014 will be a hashtag that will rock the world. We will be trending. Mark my words.

Now off to finish off the plan design.
Plan now finished (March 21th, 2013) If you’re curious see the link below.


Getting a little serious

Wow! What a fantastic day we had on PJ Day. What a community! What amazing friends!

Below you will find some links to the show from Breakfast Television and all the fun we had during PJ Day, but I want to stress that this is not something for just having fun and getting together in or PJ’s. We’re in our PJ’s for a reason.

Why are we in our PJ’s on PJ Day? We’re in our PJ’s because autoimmunity is a nasty disease. We’re not lazy. We’re not just tired and have decided to stay in bed. Many of us are fighting to stay alive. Many have no energy because our bodies are waging war on us from the inside, and sometimes there is such a limited supply of energy, a shower seems like an insurmountable effort. Symptoms wax and wane – if you’re lucky, but there are so many that are not that lucky and can be stuck in ‘acute’ state for weeks, months or years. Autoimmunity is not a pretty picture. It sucks frankly. It also sucks because the medical profession can do very little to help us get out of the hole. For many, if not most of the diseases on the list (https://findthecommonthread.com/list-of-ai-diseases-and-disorders/) there is no cure. The only thing we can do is treat symptoms, and suppress the immune system by giving the patient nasty drugs like chemotherapy – sometimes (as is the case with me) for life. Chemo is not fun. It renders the user very vulnerable to the everyday bugs that are floating in every enclosed environment we experience. I have lost three fantastic – FANTASTIC – people from my life in the last short while to infections that most people would have been able to fight off but they couldn’t because of the treatment they’re on for Wegener’s Granulomatosis (my flavour of autoimmunity.)  This is wrong. This is so very very wrong, and we need to do something about it. We need to change things, and I know that the person who comes up with a cure for autoimmunity will be up for a Nobel Prize. This will change things like nothing else in the last 100 years of medicine.

What is autoimmunity?
Well, you’ve seen above the list of autoimmune diseases, and what they all have in common is that our immune system has gone haywire. Its job in a normal situation is to distinguish between the self and the non-self and attack the latter. That would be bacteria, virus, parasites… anything in the body that you didn’t originally come with. In autoimmunity it attacks the ‘self’. What is different between the different autoimmune diseases is where within the body this erroneous attack is occurring. MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is when the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) is when the immune system attacks joints, Vasculitis is an attack on blood vessels, Eczema is an attack on skin cells, and on and on and on it goes. What a lot of people don’t understand is that a large percentage of these diseases also work in a systemic way, attacking the whole system – which is why it is so hard to get a diagnosis in the early stages. Symptoms tend to be transient and variable, so by the time you get to the doctor for the thing that’s been bugging you, it is no longer bugging you and now you have a different issue, which will be different tomorrow, or the next day. This is why I find it absolutely mind boggling that in this day and age when we are seeing an increase in autoimmune disease, and it is hitting people in younger age groups than ever before (and too often killing them because medical profession isn’t expecting to see it in such young patients) we have doctor’s offices that have signs that read “One symptom per visit.” I don’t know of anything that gets my blood boiling more than that. These are doctors who are not interested in helping people. These are the guys who got in the game for the wrong reason, and if you see that sign, get out of that office as fast as your feet will carry you.

Autoimmunity is serious, serious business. Those who are trapped in its web suffer greatly. Their families suffer even more. Our society suffers because of autoimmunity, yet we never hear it mentioned as a group anywhere. When we see the common thread and thus the cure for autoimmunity, we will not only help those directly affected by it, but also our health care system. We will free up so much money for other diseases. When we figure out how to modulate the immune system we can help cancer patients (who are on the other side of an immune system gone haywire, in their case the immune system is not attacking the non-self as it is supposed to,) we will help transplant patients, we will help AIDS patients, and infectious disease patients. Together we can change things so fundamentally that we will be living in a much better world from a healthcare perspective.

Now back to some PJ FUN. Getting the word out.

Thanks again BT for coming to Jasper and helping us spread the word.








Evening Show at Jasper Activity Centre

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yhAkA7TVk8 (Grade Ones singing “What I Am” by will.i.am)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TptJv-8RWaQ (John and son Will breakdancing for PJ Day)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCoPSQ8HGdA (Grade 8-9 Girls Dance Program and Grade Ones mosh pit in front of stage)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9zonGEMAtQ (some dancing, some fashion show action, and some more dancing – all in PJ’s to raise awareness for autoimmune disease)

http://youtu.be/pvAO4ALBi0A (why we are doing this and the thank yous for our town for supporting)

and here is the crazy blog radio interview I did before the PJ Day event to get the word out in the United States.


The Day is Now Upon us

photoWell, here we are Second Annual PJ Day to Raise Awareness for Autoimmune Disease. And it started off with a BANG!

City TV’s Breakfast Television Edmonton started us off bright and early (5:30am to be precise) and our awesome town turned up with bells and PJ’s on. I’m so overwhelmed and it’s only 10:21am right now. As soon as this is online we will share the link . Now to go out and enjoy some of the PJ events around town – or take some pictures at least.

If you have pictures you want to upload you can do it either on Facebook into the FindTheCommonThread group, or you can go to Photobucket and go to findthecommonthread2013 page (http://s1309.beta.photobucket.com/user/findthecommonthread2013/library/)and use the code ‘oneinfive’ to get access and drop some photos.

We will keep you posted as the day progresses, keep an eye on Facebook, and here to see the goings on:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgZxUMNu7b8&feature=youtu.be Thanks to 2J and  his crew for this video!!!

There are so many thanks that need to go out and I will start them on here and add as more come or my chemo brain remembers those I’ve missed...
Here goes in no particular order…
My amazing family, my awesome husband (totally awesome husband) my over the top supportive sister and friends that are beyond words
Jasper Park Lodge and the gang that raised so much money for us from last year
Hugh Lecky at Tekarra Colour Lab
City TV and Breakfast Television
The Gang at Mountain Park Lodges
Marmot Basin
Jasper Tourism
Travel Alberta
Snow Dome Coffee Bar
Video Stop
Eleanor Bye
Jasper Haus – Jasper Park Lodge
Nicole Koebel and the Dance Crew
Ashley, Raichle and the gang
The Jasper Elementary School Grade One class and Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Koss
The Randal Scott Band
Mayor Richard Ireland
Greg Van Tighem and the Jasper Fire Station
Municipality of Jasper
Elizabeth Prinz
Steph Sophocleus and River Stone Yoga
Tracy Garneau and Dave McDowell
Su Young-Lesley
Bearberry Photo
Lucia’s Gems and Gifts
Willow Tree Gifts
Tea Leaf Boutique
Totem Sports Shop
Our new society board including, Sue Cesco, Mayor Richard Ireland, Steph Sophocleus, Hana Dankov-Bye
Jasper Inn
Rocky Mountain Roasters
Global TV and Su-Ling Goh
CTV Morning News
Marriane Garrah
Dr. Diane Dick
Dr. Elaine Yacyshyn
… and the entire town of Jasper without whom none of this would be happening this year.
All of you are beyond description and an inspiration for me to keep trucking on.