I’m not the story you’re looking for, but in the interest of making available, to you, an alternate view, I will share mine. It’s worth a try because I keep having this hope that the current paradigm of one sidedness will shift. 

I am a tax paying Canadian who despite living a clean and super healthy life, got a vaccine injury in 2009’s H1N1 vaccination initiative that has completely taken my ‘normal’ life away. I now have a deadly (unless on constant chemo, blood thinners, etc), incurable disease that was in fact mentioned in the H1N1 monograph as a rare potential negative side effect. I worked for Parks Canada, biked almost every day in summer, skied almost every day in winter, ate organic home made food, was a new mother, volunteered in my community, voted for our liberal government. I was you. And then I wasn’t. 

Since then, I haven’t been able to get a vaccine as my body’s immune system takes the signals from a vaccine for an increased immune response, can’t stop itself, and then goes after my own body. In my case, my vasculature (I have Wegener’s Granulomatosis, a type of Vasculitis). My daughter, who was just over 3 years old when I got sick, lived through having to say goodbye to her mother, for ever, more than once, and carries a significant amount of PTSD from seeing what a vaccine injury can do to a family and a person’s life. She also chose not to get the vaccine, especially since my diagnosis, we’ve learned that autoimmunity has two factors that are completely, certainly known… 1. there is a genetic predisposition, and 2. there is a trigger. For me that trigger was the vaccine. For her, she doesn’t want to find out if her genetics lean more toward me or toward her dad. Her dad is vaccinated, and he has had 3 shots. (I feel I can share that since personal medical privacy went out the window when our governments insisted on QR codes to be scanned by any host or hostess working at any eating establishment, or business letting people in.)

My kid and I are now both stripped of our chartered right to mobility, for the government described ‘selfish’ act of our legally and ethically described right to informed consent. The narrative has gotten so divisive that I can’t even have a reasonable conversation with anyone who is hard core pro vaccine and against self determination/choice (but most of them are pro-choice in other matters). We are to ‘follow the science’ but then are mocked for looking up the science, in essence saying that the only acceptable ‘science’ is that coming from government agents or our one sided media. 

Both my daughter and I had Covid in March. It was brought home by one of the two vaccinated people in our home, and everyone went through it. My mom, living with us since dad passed in 2020 (not of Covid, he got cancer) was the first to get it, and went through it the hardest. My husband, also vaccinated, went through about a week of feeling horrible, and he’s been fine since. I was told by my rheumatologist to get the monoclonal antibody treatment as I’m on heavy duty immune suppressing drugs, so I did so. My entire covid infection lasted 8 days from first symptom, to testing negative. I got the treatment on day 5, and was already feeling much better at the time. My daughter, now 15, was sick for about 5-6 days, and it was no worse than a regular flu. Her and I still can’t travel on a plane, train or boat. I can’t get a vaccine for 3 months after monoclonal antibody treatment (as per instructions), and they recommend that you don’t get vaccinated for two months after infection, so she can’t get one either, although she will not regardless. But we’re still denied our chartered right to mobility, while Canada lets anyone coming in to move about freely without testing, despite knowing that 96+% of vaccinated people who test positive are asymptomatic carriers. 

Before the vaccine we were all in this together. We were doing all of our safety efforts to ‘protect the vulnerable’ (hint: I’m that part of the population). Once the vaccine came out, and our government made it mandatory, the whole ‘protect the vulnerable’ and ‘we’re all in this together’ talking points took a long walk off a short pier. The vaccinated became the ‘hero’ and the unvaccinated, according to our Prime Minister, became a ‘waste of space’.

I’ve gone through a lot in my life. I’ve come through it all super positive (I started a foundation after diagnosis, and created an annual event to raise awareness for autoimmune disease – this site has the archives to show you if you’re interested), and I’ve always looked at the bright side of any hard situation. Our government has broken me over this. I’ve never felt so alone, so helpless, so discarded by those meant to support and protect me as I do today. I regret my life long support of liberal government, and liberal narratives, because now I see it’s all about virtue signalling and they don’t actually mean what they say. I hate the right of centre and their close mindedness, but I feel totally and completely betrayed by the left, and I can’t see myself fitting anywhere in this society right now. It’s really the saddest time of my entire life (and I was an immigrant kid who spent time in an Austrian prison and refugee camp, while escaping communism, who came to Canada without English and hat to fit in with my two outfits I came with, who was told to make my final arrangements when they misdiagnosed me with terminal cancer before I got my Wegener’s diagnosis, and many other things….) but now they’ve broken me.

The 85% of you who are vaccinated, don’t even know these rights are still kept from tax paying Canadians, because this blatant disregard for humans isn’t affecting you personally, and the media, including our local paper, refuse to let you know. I hear and see it all the time. If I feel comfortable enough with someone to mention this, they’re always wide eyed, at first telling me it can’t be true, then realizing they don’t actually know if it is or not… looking it up and going silent. Let me tell you from personal experience. It is true. Everything these days is tribal. Tribal to the left, and tribal to the right, and I fear that common decency, rational thought, and compassion, have completely abandoned our society. The right talk about themselves and fuck everyone else, the left talk about protecting ‘the vulnerable’ while literally giving the vulnerable the finger. Humanity is really sucking nowadays, and we’re devolving at an epic pace. And we have a prime minister who is testing how much he can get away with, and you 85% are letting him get away with far too much. He wont listen to me, remember, I’m a waste of space in his eyes, but he might listen to you heroes. Be a hero for more than rolling up a sleeve.

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